Performers: Emma Lusena Ash, Miquel Amenguel Gual, Hubert Mielke, Lísandra Týra Jóns
Concept by: Hubert Mielke
Music: Johann Sebastian Bach – Goldberg Variation, BWV 988, Diamanda Galás – This Is The Law of the Plague, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky – Hymn of the Cherubim
Sound engineer: Rosa Caputo
Synopsis written by: Teresa Caputo
As I strived to conform and follow the stream,
I found myself lost, dragged by an unseen dream.
In this moment, what am I even meant to be?
This essence engulfs, we worship, we plea.
A glitch in the casual, overwhelming flow of virtual content that we are confronted with daily brings to life four alienated and dysfunctional characters, detached from their bodies and each other, moving and screaming in an empty space.
Through humor and terror, DISTANT CASUALS creates an immersive experience, exploring the
psychosomatic expressions of the interaction between individuals and mass media.
The piece captures and communicates the complexity of the internal and external experiences of
alienation bringing the audience into a sinister and uncomfortable yet familiar state.
Fragile characters move in a frantic flow of gestures and movements creating a dance of dissonance, a dance of disorder that represents the inability of individuals to communicate with each other.
Playing with the glitches of the algorithm, DISTANT CASUALS portrays the absurdity of the contradictory reality of our society, putting into question our acceptance of it.
The piece DISTANT CASUALS premiered in Austria in 2023. It is directed and performed by four members of the company DISTANT CASUALS, which explores the intersection of dance, music, performance art, theatre, and visual arts, utilizing the body as a physical instrument to convey their artistic language. The foundational discipline of the current members of DISTANT CASUALS is dance. Movement and body remain at the core of their work which then falls deeper into the synergy of interdisciplinary art-making and embraces hybrid hierarchical roles to continuously evolve and explore artistic possibilities.
THURSDAY 15.08.2024 18:30

DISTANT CASUALS is an emerging company that explores the intersection of dance, music, performance art, theater, and visual arts, utilizing the body as a physical instrument to convey its artistic language. The foundational discipline of the current members of DISTANT CASUALS is dance. Movement and body remain at the core of their work, which then falls deeper into the synergy of interdisciplinary art-making and embraces hybrid hierarchical roles to continuously evolve and explore artistic possibilities. The members find topics such as discomfort, mistakes/errors, thought-provoking images, and insubordination as sources to generate material that they stage to evoke the audience’s critical thinking. Provoking reflection on how the conventional common notions of pleasure, aesthetics, beauty, and ”properness” are perceived and usually taken for granted.
DISTANT CASUALS was internationally co-founded by Lísandra Týra Jóns (Iceland), Emma Lusena Ash (Germany/Italy/England), Hubert Mielke (Poland/Germany) and Miquel Amengual Gual (Spain) in 2022 after finding each other artistically in their educational structure (SEAD), and through different dance projects that now comprises the company’s current body of work.