From One To The Other

The goal is to connect to the spirit of dance and acrobatics, and the awaken the joy of movement. As a means I love to use playful variations of basic patters on the full spektrum ranging from very simple to relatively complex, to get the body ready for combinations and improvisation. Challenges motivate the practice, constraints guide it. We will explore a variety of movements travelling across the floor, as well as transitions from the ground up till the air, and back down. I have been fascinated with explosiveness, jumps, balance and footwork as well as ‘hand’ work since many years and these are subjects of my training. On the other hand, the graceful relationship to a continuous practice throughout the whole life is equally if not more important aspect of the research, so body-work, rehab and prehab will be surely present in some shape or form.

The workshop is intended for dancers over the age of 12, with previous dance experience.

Workshop capacity is limited!


Online registration closed! You can register only at our Infopoint.

FRIDAY 16.08.2024 10:15-11:45

Gym of GAB


Csenger K. Szabó

Csenger was born in Budapest, 1994, and raised in rural Hungary. He started dancing at the age of ten. He studied contemporary dance as a scholarship student in SEAD, graduating after completing four years of dance education. He was, additionally, part of NYU Tisch School of the Arts exchange program in 2015. He has started his freelance career in Hungary and in Switzerland before entering Bodhi Project Company in Salzburg for one season. Since then, he has been based in Germany, collaborating with David Zambrano in Las Morochas and being a dancer in Michelle Anne de Mey’s Sinfonia Eroica. Together with his partner Efthymia Chatzakou, they have created and performed a dozen times Still Love, all over Europe. Csenger has been a full time member of Unusual Syptoms/Theater Bremen since 2022.