Director: Martin Hodoň
Dramaturgy: Daša Čiripová
Choreography: RASEMA
Sound design: Dominik Suchý
Light design/stage/costume: matoha
Technical support: Lukáš Kubicina
Anna Sedlačková
Daniel Raček
Premiere at the P*AKT Cultural Center on May 20, 2022 at 8 p.m.
Production of GAFFA in co-production of KC P*AKT
Co-production with Neskorý zber
Thanks to CO.Labs Brno
The creation of the performance was supported by the Art Support Fund from public funds.
01. Do you see that bridge?
010. See that wooden bridge?
0101. You see the wooden bridge but you don’t see the stone bridge.
0. What is a stone bridge?
010101. He is one who lets donkeys pass, lets horses pass
Origin: Púchov forests
Age: 50 years
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 77 kg
Origin: Slatinské lazy
Age: 62 years
Height: 163 cm
Weight: — kg
A dance duet of maturity on the verge of decay, on the border between contemporary dance and physical theater, shows the genesis of one master – from admiration and enchantment to asymmetry and disgust. In the beginning there was attraction, instinct, which over time was replaced by the predominance of strength and power of the body. Hierarchy.
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