DANCE THE INTERNET is a workshop around some of the methodologies of laSADCUM where different bodies in movement are explored, based on concepts such as virtuality, screen and computer programming.
A body session that provides physical tools to move and to discover (and test) how the body is affected by the virtuality of the network (full of images in movement of bodies, many movements of many different bodies) based on improvisation guidelines, the imaginary itself and also physical limitations.
The workshop is intended for all visitors over the age of 12.
Workshop capacity is limited!
Online registration closed! You can register only at our Infopoint.
SATURDAY 17.08.2024 13:30-15:30
Gym of GAB

Guillem Jiménez (ES)
Guillem Jiménez (Barcelona, 1999) is a choreographer and dancer based in Barcelona. He has graduated in Choreography at the Conservatori Superior de Dansa of the Institut del Teatre of Barcelona and in 2019 he created the dance project laSADCUM (www.lasadcum.com). With laSADCUM he had created two short dance pieces ‘THE UNCANNY VALLEY’ (2019) & ‘THE LESSON’ (2020), and two big productions: ‘ACLUCALLS’ (2022) and ‘NAVAJA’ (2024). Also he had curated some programs in collaboration with institutions such as CCCB, and created the workshop ‘DANCE THE INTERNET’ (2020). They did two physical exhibitions: ‘CLASSMATES’ (2020) and ‘TWINK TWINK TWINK’ (2022) as well as a video-performance for the exhibitions ‘BURNT, RADIANT, SCROLLING’ called ‘UNTITLED’ (2021).
In individual, Guillem Jiménez has worked as a choreographer collaborator/supervisor for ‘THE WEAK SIDE ‘(2023) of Marina Fueyo, and ‘Espai Segur’ (2023) of Meritxell de Soto, as well as he works as a movement director/choreographer for audiovisual projects. As a performer he had worked with Pedro Torres for his works ‘Blue While Black’ (2020) and ‘Black Sun’ (2020); with Mar Aguiló at ‘STELLA’ (2021); with Amaranta Velarde at ‘DESBORDES’ (2022), in which he received a nomination for a best male dancer of 2022 at the Premis de la Critica de Catalunya; with Si Los Martes Fueran Viernes at ‘Casa Nostre’ (2022) ; and with La Sullivan at ‘Que No Serveix De Res Tirar Una Sola Pedra’ (2023).